ElectricalWorld.net is all about electrical energy generation to how they get consumers supply in worldwide people. We started this website with numerous experienced engineers. We accept volunteers throughout the world who want to contribute and share their electrical experience. We started this website by keeping in mind one thing. And that is proper “Basic Electrical Knowledge” is must for everyone. Because, basic electrical is fundamental of 20’s century modern technology.

Basic electrical provides a sound basic knowledge of electrical practice which other trades in construction industry will find of value, particularly those involved in multi-skilling activities. Basic electrical repair knowledge gives ideas to repair our home electrical installed equipment with safety regulations. Basic electrical and installation work knowledge can also be a great source of self employment and income.

The unemployed people can start self business. Thus we can make a strong economy and hunger free world. If you have any question, suggestion or want to share your electrical field experiences then feel free to contact with us.