300 Electrical Abbreviations and Full Forms

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  • Post category:Basic Electrical
  • Reading time:31 mins read

An Electrician must know Electrical Abbreviations and Full Forms to read a electrical drawings. No matter is construction or maintenance your industry is, you need to be learned electrical abbreviations and electrical symbols. If you don’t know you can’t work with SLD drawings. You can be a Electrician without knowing electrical abbreviations. but, you can’t be a good electrician without this.

In this post we have completely described the subject of electrical abbreviations and full full forms. So, guys don’t skip anything and let us know if we missed something in this post.

Do you know why are we using electrical abbreviations and full forms in electrical drawings? Designers uses short name (abbreviation) for the electrical components and equipment in electrical drawings that describes about components or equipment to electrician.

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300 Electrical Abbreviations and Full Forms

1 to 100 Electrical Abbreviations and Full Forms
1. AC – Alternating Current
2. DC – Direct Current
3. V – Volts
4. A – Ampere
5. M – Motor
6. E – Earth
7. A/C – Air Conditioner
8. TP – Triple Pole
9. DP – Double Pole
10. LA – Light Arrester
11. KA – Kilo Ampere
12. LV – Low Volt
13. HV – High Volt
14. kV – Kilovolt
15. MV – Megavolt
16. HP – Horsepower
17. HT – High Tension
18. LT – Low Tension
19. kVA – Kilovolt Ampere
20. ISO – Isolator
21. NVC – No Volt Coil
22. OLR – Overload Relay
23. OLP – Overload Protection
24. SS – Salter Switch
25. TS – ThermoSwitch
26. TR – Transformer
27. PT – Pressure Transmitter
28. DPT – Differential Pressure Transmitter
29. FT – Flow Transmitter
30. LT – Level Transmitter
31. PCC – Power Control Centre
32. MCC – Motor Control Centre
33. RCCB – Residual Current Circuit Breaker
34. MPCB – Motor Protection Circuit Breaker
35. MCB – Miniature Circuit Breaker
36. MCCB – Molded case Circuit Breaker
37. ACB – Air Circuit Breaker
38. VCB – Vacuum Circuit Breaker
39. OCB – Oil Circuit Breaker
40. PLC – Programmable Logic Controller
41. DCS – Distributed Control System
42. HMI – Human Machine Interface
43. RIO – Remote Input Output
44. RTU – Remote Terminal Unit
45. DOL – Direct Online
46. EOCR – Electronic OverCurrent Relay
47. ELCB – Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker
48. HRC – High Rupture Capacity Fuse
49. UPS – Uninterrupted Power Supply
50. JB – Junction Box
51. TB – Terminal Block
52. LCS – Local Control Station
53. CT – Current Transformer
54. PT – Potential Transformer
55. XLPE – Cross Linked Polyethylene
56. SWA – Single Wire Armoured
57. PVC – Polyvinyl Chloride
58. PTFE – PolyTetraFluoroEthylene
59. FRLS – Fire Resistance Low Smoke
60. EPR – Ethylene Propylene Rubber
61. HPMV – High Pressure Mercury Vapor Lamp
62. HPSV – High Pressure Sodium Vapor Lamp
63. SCIM – Squirrel Cage Induction Motor
64. SRIM – Slip Ring Induction Motor
65. OLTC – On Load Tap Changer
66. NO – Normally Opened
67. NC – Normally Closed
68. RTD – Resistance Temperature Detector
69. BS – British Standards
70. RPM – Revolution Per Minute
71. LDB – Lighting Distribution Board
72. PDB – Power Distribution Board
73. SLDB – Secondary Lighting Distribution Board
74. EMLDB- Emergency Lighting Distribution Board
75. MLDB – Main Lighting Distribution Board
76. ACDB – Alternating Current Distribution Board
77. MPDB – Main Power Distribution Board
78. ACVS – Air Conditioning and Ventilation System
79. ACSR – Aluminium Cable Steel Reinforced
80. HART – Highway Addressable Remote Transducer
81. PID – Proportional Integral and Derivative
82. SCADA – Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
83. VVVF – Variable Voltage Variable Frequency
84. RCBO  – Residual Current Circuit Breaker with Overcurrent Protection
85. ACSR – Aluminium Conductor Steel Reinforced                         
86. AH – Ampere Hour Capacity of Batteries
87. AVR – Automatic Voltage Regulator
88. AWA – Aluminium Wire Armour
89. B – Electrical Susceptance
90. BAR – Pressure in Atmosphere
91. BIL – Breakdown Insulation Level
92. BS – British Standard Institutions                     
93. BTU – British Thermal Unit
94. C – Electrical Capacitance
95. CACA- Totally Enclosed Air Circuit, Air Cooled
96. CACW- Totally Enclosed Air Circuit, Water Cooled
97. CAD – Computer Aided Design
98. CB – Circuit Breaker
99. CBCU- Circuit Breaker Control Unit
100. CCR – Central Control Room
1 to 100 Electrical abbreviations and Full Forms

Circuit Breakers | Electrical Abbreviations and Full Forms

We, electricians should have know full forms of MCB, MCCB, RCCB, RCBO, ELCB, OCB, VCB and ACB to read a electrical drawings such as Single Line Diagram (SLD), Piping and Instrumentation Diagram (PID). In the electrical full forms, we must know completely circuit breakers first. Because, in electrical engineers interviews recruiter asks questions about circuit breakers full forms.

  • MCB full form – Miniature Circuit Breaker
  • MCCB full form – Moulded Case Circuit Breaker
  • RCCB full form – Residual Current Circuit Breaker
  • RCBO full form – Residual Current Circuit Breaker with Overload Protection
  • ELCB full form – Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker
  • OCB full form – Oil Circuit Breaker
  • VCB full form – Vacuum Circuit Breaker
  • ACB full form – Air Circuit Breaker
101 to 200 Electrical Abbreviations and Full Forms
101. CEGB – Central Electricity Generating Board (UK)
102. CENELEC- European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardisation
103. COR CU – Corrugated Copper
104. CSA – Cross Sectional Area
106. CSI – Current Source Inverter
107. CSP – Chlorosulphonated Polyethylene
108. CT – Current Transformer
109. CU – Un-tinned Copper
110. CUWB- Copper Wire Braid
111. db (A) – Measurement Unit of Sounds Decibels
112. DCS – Distributed Control System
113. DE – Drive end of a shaft
114. deg C – Thermal Temperature in Degrees Celsius
115. deg F – Thermal Temperature in Degrees Fahrenheit
116. deg K – Thermal Temperature in Degrees Kelvin
117. DMS – Data Management System
118. DMT – Definite Minimum Time
119. DOL – Direct Online Starter (Induction Motor)
120. DWR – Divided Winding Rotor Synchronous Generator
121. ECHA – Equipment Certified for Hazardous Areas
122. EEC – European Economic Community
123. EEMVA- The Engineering Equipment and The Materials User Association
124. EHV – Extra High Voltage
125. EIEMA- The Electrical Installation Equipment Manufacture’s Association
126. ELV – Extra Low Voltage (less than 50v)
127. EMA – Ethylene Methyl Acrylate
128. EMC – Electromagnetic Compatibility
129. EMI – Electromagnetic Interference
130. EMF – Electromotive Force
131. EPDM – Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer
132. EPR – Ethylene Propylene Rubber
133. ERA – Electrical Research Association
134. ERM – Electronic Restart Module
135. ESD – Emergency Shutdown
136. ESP – Electric Submersible Pump
137. EX () – Certification Symbol for Hazardous Area Equipment
138. EWS – Engineering Work Station
139. PTL – Pin Type Cable Lug
140. FBA – Factory Built Assemblies
141. FCU – Feeder Control Unit
142. F&G – Fire and Gas
143. FEED – Front End Engineering and Design of a Project
144. FREQ- Frequency (HZ)
145. FAT – Factory Acceptance Testing
146. CG – Cable Glands
147. FLEX – Flexible used for Cables
148. G – Electrical Conductance, or Grounding
149. GCB – Gas Circuit Breaker
150. GCP – Generator Control Panel
151. GIS – Gas Insulated Switchgear or Substation
152. GOR – Gas to Oil Ratio Oil Well Fluids
153. GRP – Glass Reinforced Plastic
154. GSWA- Galvanised Steel Wire Armour
155. GSWB- Galvanised Steel Wire Braid
156. GTG – Gas Turbine Generator
157. GTO – Gate Turn Off Thyristor
158. HCL – Hydrogen Chloride, Gas or Acid
159. CT – Cable Tray
160. HOFR- Heat and Oil Resisting, Flame Retardant
161. HVAC- Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning
162. HZ – Frequency in Cycles per Second, or Hertz
163. TPS – Thermal Power Station
164. IAC – Alternating Current
165. IALA – International Association of Lighthouse Authorities
166. ICI – Imperial Chemical Industries
167. IDC – Direct Current
168. IDMT – Inverse Definite Minimum Time
169. IEC – International Electrotechnical Commission
170. IEE – The Institution of Electrical Engineers of UK
171. IEEE – The Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineers of USA
172. I/O – Input or Output Signals or Quantity
173. IMO – International Maritime Organisation
174. IMCS – Integrated Motor Control System
175. IMS – Information Management System
176. INST – Instantaneous Quantity
177. INT – Intermittent Quantity
178. IP – Institute of Petroleum
179. IR – Insulation Resistance
180. IS – Intrinsically Safe Signal, Circuit or Equipment
181. IS/IN – Ratio of Starting Current to Running Current
182. ISO – International Standards Organisation
183. J – Energy Joules or Newton-Metres
184. J – Current Density, Amps/mm2
185. kA – Kilo Ampere
186. KEMA – Short Circuit Testing Authority in the Netherland
187. kg – Kilogram
188. km – Length in Kilometres
189. kph – Kilometres per Hour
190. I/O – Input or Output Signals or Quantity
191. kV – Kilovolts
192. kVA – Kilovolt Amperes
193. kVAr – Reactive Kilovolt Amperes
194. kW – Kilowatts
195. L – Electrical Inductance in Henries
196. L – Line or Local Control Operation
197. LAN – Local Area Network
198. LBS – Weight of a Substance in Pounds
199. LDS – Low Density Foam
200. LED – Light Emitting Diode
101 to 200 Electrical abbreviations

Basic Electrical Terms and Full Forms

Electrical abbreviations of basic electrical terms are V, A, P, E, N, C, R, AC, DC, LT, HT, ELV, LV, MV, HV and EHV. Volt, ampere, power, earth, neutral, capacitor, resistor, alternating current, direct current, low voltage, high voltage, extra low voltage, low voltage, mega voltage, high voltage and extra high voltage are electrical full forms of the above electrical abbreviations.

201 to 300 Electrical Abbreviations and Full Forms
201. LEL – Lower Explosive Limit
202. LF – Low Frequency
203. LHS – Left Hand Side
204. LMS – Load Management System
205. LNG – Liquefied Natural Gas
206. LOC – Local Operation
207. LPG – Liquefied Petroleum Gas
208. LSS – Load Shedding System
209. LSF – Low Smoke and Fumes, Applied to Cables and Wires
210. LSLH – Low Smoke and Halogen
211. LEL – Lower Explosive Limit
212. LSR – Load Sharing System
213. LV  – Low Voltage
214. L1, L2, L3, N – Notation For Line and Neutral Voltages and Currents
215. LUX – Level of Illumination
216. LEL – Lower Explosive Limit
217. m – Length or Dimension in Metres, or Month
218. mA – Current in milliamperes
219. M – Manual operation
220. mBAR – millBar
221. MB – High Pressure Mercury, without Phosphor Coating
222. MBF – High Pressure Mercury, with Phosphor Coating
223. MBFR – High Pressure Mercury, with Phosphor Coating Internal Reflector
224. MBI – High Pressure Discharge with Metallic Halides
225. MBIF – High Pressure Discharge with Metallic Halides, with Phosphor Coating
226. MBR – Double ended Linear Arc Tube
227. MBTF – Combination of MBF Lamp and a Filament Lamp
228. MCC  – Motor Control Centre
229. MCF – Switch-start Lamp, also used for Tabular Fluorescent Lamps in General
230. MCFE – Startless Lamp, Coated with Silicone
231. MCFA – Startless Lamp, with Earth Strip, mainly used in cold environments.
232. MBIF – High Pressure Discharge with Metallic Halides, with Phosphor Coating
233. MCR – Maximum Continuous Rating
234. MCU – Motor Control Unit
235. MHO – Unit of Electrical Admittance
236. MIC – Maximum Ignition Current
237. MICC – Mineral Insulated Calendar Cable
238. MIMIC- Mimic Display Panel
239. MMF – Magnetomotive Force
240. MMSCF – Million Standard Cubic Feet of a Cubic
241. MT – Mica Glass Tape
242. MTTR – Mean Time to Repair
243. MV – Medium Voltage
244. mV – Voltage in milliVolts
245. MVA – Megavolt Amperes
246. MVAr – Reactive Megavolt Amperes
247. MW – Megawatts
248. NACE – National Association of Corrosion Engineers (USA)
249. NBR – Nitrile Butadiene Rubber
250. NC-N/C – Normally Closed Switching Device
251. NDE – Non Drive End of a Shaft
252. MCFE – Startless Lamp, Coated with Silicone
253. NEMA – The National Electrical Manufacturers Association
254. NEC – National Electrical Code (USA)
255. NER – Neutral Earth Resistor
256. NFPA – National Fire Protection Association
257. Ni – Nickel Metal
258. NO-N/O- Normally Open Switching Device
259. NPT – National Pipe Threads (USA)
260. NS – used to describe a type of Variable Speed AC Motor
261. NTS – Not to Scale
262. OC-O/C- Overcurrent or Open Circuit
263. OF-O/F- Over Frequency
264. OFAF – Forced Circulation of Internal Liquid, Forced Heat Exchange to Air
265. OFAN – Forced Circulation of Internal Liquid, Natural Heat to Air
266. OHL – Over Headline
267. OHMS – Unit of Electrical Resistance or Impedance
268. OIM – Offshore Installation Manager
269. OL-O/L – OverLoad
270. ONAF – Naturally Circulated Internal Liquid, Forced Heat Exchange to Air
271. ONAN – Naturally Circulated Internal Liquid, Natural Heat to Air
272. OSHA – Occupational Health and Safety Administration (USA)
273. OV-O/V- OverVoltage
274. P – W – Power or Watts
275. PCC – Point of Common Connection
276. PVC – Polyvinyl Chloride
277. PVDF – Polyvinylidene Fluoride
278. PTP-PET- Polyethylene Terephthalate
279. PWM – Pulse Width Modulation
280. QA – Quality Assurance
281. QC  – Quality Control
282. R – Electrical Resistance
283. RAM – Random Access Memory
284. RCU – Remote Control Unit
285. RHS – Right Hand Side
286. RMS –  Root Mean Square
287. ROM – Read Only Memory
288. RTU – Remote Transmitter Unit
289. SF6 – Sulphur Hexafluoride
290. STG – Steam turbine Generator
291. SWA – Steel Wire Armour
292. SWBD – Switch Board
293. SWGR – SwitchGear
294. TDRM – Time Delayed Restart Relay
295. TG – Turbo Generator, Gas or Steam
296. TCP – Gas Turbine Control Panel
297. TPRL – Total Plant Running Load
298. UPS – Uninterrupted Power Supply Unit
299. UV – Under Voltage
300. TNEB – Tamil Nau Electric Board
201 to 300 Electrical abbreviations and Full Forms
Important Electrical Full Forms
  • UPS full form – Uninterrupted Power Supply
  • SP full form – Single Pole
  • DP full form – Double Pole
  • TP full form – Triple Pole
Final Word

Hope you learned about electrical abbreviations and full forms. Incase of any doubt please comment below. Please follow our website for future updates. Thank you for visiting our website – ElectricianWorld.Net.

This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. Nellai Latheef

    Thanks a lot bro… Please update this 300 electrical full forms in pdf file. So I can easily read. I need it for the attending interview.

  2. Selvin

    Please update the chart properly. It doesn’t show clearly.. please update electrical abbreviations and full forms article

  3. Anonymous

    Very useful 300 electrical abbreviations and full forms – thanks for your efforts well done – Bravo! :O)

  4. Kaiz Rxstr

    Soon We will prepare and upload in this electrical abbreviations article as pdf format. Thanks for your comment!

  5. Kaiz Rxstr

    Sorry for the inconvenience. We updated the article. So, You can read it properly now. Check it out Mr.Selvin

  6. Unknown

    Rating of acb minimum and maximum ….
    Difference between acb and vcb

  7. Rupendra Panchal

    Thanks ☺️

  8. Sudhakar

    Thanks you

  9. Tim

    Only 298… You used LEL Lower Explosive Limit three times 201, 211, & 216.

  10. Mahesha p

    All full form in study table pdf piliz

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